Monday 25 January 2016

Police foil six terrorist attack plots

A soldier and a police officer patrol outside a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur on January 25, 2016. — Reuters pic KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 25 — The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) managed to foiled six plots since last December by terrorists attempting to create chaos in the country. Bukit Aman Special Branch Counter Terrorism Division Principal Assistant Director Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said the police uncovered the plots in a series of operations conducted to hunt down the terrorists in the country. Following the arrests of various individuals since last December, it was found that several terrorists in the country had begun collecting chemical substances which could be made into bombs, he told reporters after attending the International Conference on Deradicalisation and Countering Violent Extremism here today. In a related development, asked about the video threat by the Daesh terrorists titled 'Public Message for Malaysia', Ayob said the two men in the video had been confirmed to be Malaysian citizens and were now in Syria. He said police were in the midst of collecting evidence to take further action. He added that the individuals, known as Abdul Halid and Mohd Nizam, warned the police against making more arrests and to release the Daesh detainees they had under them. An English local daily today reported the Malaysian-Indonesian unit of IS, called Katibah Nusantara, warned: “We will never bow down to the democratic system of governance as we will only follow Allah’s rules.” Ayob said this was the first time such a video had been released in Malay, bearing the Daesh logo, and this was proof that the militant groups in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region had joined forces and had direct links with Daesh. “There is definitely a link, in fact the eight people we arrested earlier had links with our people there (in Syria)...and links with Bahrum Naim (founder of the Katibah Nusantara group), “There is a link, this is not a new thing, since the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) there were links between regional and global (groups), which could be said to be organised, this is their way of expanding their network,” he said. — Bernama - See more at:

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