Sunday 31 January 2016



Sequel to our One Million Phone call by Biafrans and members of IPOB worldwide to World governments and Leaders, we hereby urge all Biafrans to pick up their Phones and do the needful. Let the world know our plight and the atrocities Buhari and his agents are  committing against Biafrans. Here is what to do.

Biafrans, Friends, and Well Wishers
Starting Monday February 1 through Friday February 5, 2016, we intend to, and shall awake the Government of the United States of America to the plight of Biafrans.
Please endeavor to make phone calls  starting this Monday, from (3pm to 11pm Biafra time), 9am to 5pm (US EST) , to Barack Obama, President of USA and United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon
When you call, you don't need to say much—just politely deliver the main points of the petition or just use the example below.
“Hello, my name is (------) I’m calling to appeal to the President to:
1. Condemn the ongoing crimes against the humanity of Biafrans by the current President of Nigeria;
2. Free the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra and other Biafrans arbitrarily incarcerated for peacefully demonstrating;
3. Support freedom and independence of Biafra. Thank you!

Then, help me keep track of how many calls have been made by clicking here:

The UN &US Gov’t Phone Numbers are as follows

1.    President Barack Obama, White House
+1 202 456 1111
2.    US Congress/Capitol
+1 202-224-3121
3.       United Nations Secretary General: Ban Ki-moon
+1 212 963 1234
4.       Speaker of House of Representatives: Paul Ryan     
+1 202 225-0600
5.       Republican Majority Leader: Kevin McCarthy
+1 202-225-4000
6.        Democratic Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi
+1 202 225-0100
7.    USA Senate President: Orrin Hatch
+1(202) 224-5251
8.    Republican Majority Leader: Mitch
+1 (202) 224 2541
9.   Democratic Minority Leader: Harry Reid Phone
+1 202-224-3542
10.  US Senate Foreign Relations Committee : Chairman, Senator Bob Corker; Senator James E Risch; Senator Marco Rubio; Senator Ben Cardin; Senator Barbara Boxer
+1 202 224 46

11.  US House Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations: Chairman, Ed Royce; Ranking Member: Eliot L. Engel
  +1 (202) 225-5021
12.  Secretary of State: John Kerry:

From USA, call
    From overseas
    888 407 4747
+1 202 501 4444

Many African Americans Reclaiming their Igbo Heritage- A Must Read !

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Chinyere Africa Business World Each year growing number of our African American brothers and sisters are reclaiming their Igbo heritage, thanks to the incredible DNA project by our sister Ada Naja Chinyere Njoku and her group. Chinyere has traced her heritage back to Ala Igbo, and several years ago was reunited  back with her Igbo family through an incredible and emotional ceremony in Virginia at the Igbo Village, undertaken and presided over by His Royal Highness  Eze Ènweleána II Obidiegwu Onyesoh of Ancient Nri Kingdom

Eze Ènweleána II Obidiegwu Onyesoh

This year at the ICOTTH USA Igbo Language Preservation and Cultural Festival, a joint partnership International Festival in collaboration with Africa Business World, scheduled in Maryland at the Prestigious Coppin State University in Baltimore, from August 5-7th,  Naja will be presenting all the African American brothers and sisters who through the Igbo DNA project have been tested and found to be of Igbo ancestry The candidates would be accepted and re-united with their Igbo ancestors. This ceremony promises to be tears dropping and emotional and happy ceremony. As the old saying goes “blood is thicker than water” It is incredible what modern technology can do, and we salute Chinyere and her group for this technological breakthrough. Even after hundreds of years of separation between African American descendants here in the United States and their ancestors in Igboland, reunification has been made possible through technological innovation. Here is the message from Ada Naja Chinyere Njoku and her group.

Naja Chinyere Njoku

I am Naja Chinyere Njoku .   I am the head of the DNA Tested African Descendants Organization.   We believe that knowing where we came from will provide the much needed foundation for reconciling with our homeland and people.   We are volunteer facilitators that currently support over 11,000 members from around that world that wish to know where they come from.  We  assist African Descendants in the process of learning their ancestry through DNA testing and genealogy (family tree building).  We provide the tools and resources needed, for someone considering DNA testing, to make an informed decision regarding which company to use and the way forward after receiving the ancestry results.  Each facilitator has DNA tested at , , and /or . 

Many of us have traveled to our native lands after learning where we came from.  We understand that the initial communications with one’s ethnic groups of ancestry can be exciting and unnerving at the same time.  We also understand that first impressions are lasting ones so we coordinate reception and integration events for those that have learned their African ancestry.  This is how we dispel the many myths that have kept us separated from our brothers and sister back in Africa.  My direct communications with the Royals of various African ethnic groups afford us the opportunity to participate in multiple events. Some of them are introductions, cultural and language classes, naming ceremonies and other festivities

Nigerian Government panics as Biafran Dutch lawyers finally drag Buhari and other to the ICC

Nigerian Government panics as Biafran Dutch lawyers finally drag Buhari and other to the ICC
The Biafran has gathered that there is apprehension among the top echelon of the Nigerian government following the successful lodging of crimes against humanity complaint against General Muhammadu Buhari by lawyers representing the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) at the International Criminal Court(ICC)  in The Hague.

The move clearly surprised Buhari and his minders who never believed Biafrans could have pulled through such a feat. Buhari is expected to address the European Parliament next month and this development is causing panic among the presidential circles.
The complaint was lodged on the basis of  the heinous massacre of Biafra protesters across the Eastern part of Nigeria (South-East and South-South) in the wake of the arrest of the Indigenous People of Biafra [IPOB] leader, Nnamdi Kanu.
Goran Sluiter, a lawyer at Dutch human rights legal firm Prakken d’Oliveira, filed the complaint with the International Criminal Court in The Hague on Friday. 
According to Sluiter, there has been “an intensification of violence and crimes committed against Biafrans since Mr Buhari became the Nigerian president.”
“Nigeria is already a long time on the agenda of the [ICC] prosecutor and Nigerian courts are not dealing at all with these crimes. The time really has come for the ICC to act,” says Sluiter.
The complaint was filed on behalf of 17 unnamed victims and alleges to set out evidence of crimes against humanity – including torture and murder – committed by Nigerian security forces against pro-Biafran protesters.
More than 50 unarmed, non-violent protesters were gruesomely massacred across the region by security operatives including both army and police with about 200 people detained across the country.

Biafran protesters massacred by the Nigerian Government
Hundreds of thousands of people in southeast Nigeria participated in massive protests in recent months, demanding independence for Biafra. Kanu, the leader of one of the most prominent activist groups—the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)—was arrested by Nigerian security forces in October 2015 on charges of ethnic incitement and sedition. He remains in detention and was refused bail by a federal high court in the capital Abuja on Friday.
Related Stories:
During the demonstrations, the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase had threatened protesters in December to stop their activities or face “the full weight of the law.”
Ndubuisi Osuala, the coordinator of IPOB’s branch in the Netherlands – which he says numbers around 200 official members – says the group wishes to see Kanu released and Buhari prosecuted for overseeing crimes against Biafrans. 
“What every IPOB member, every Biafran citizen wants is the release of our great leader, Nnamdi Kanu, who is a freedom fighter,” says Osuala. 
“Secondly, we need the International Criminal Court to bring justice and equity to our case…[President Buhari] has to be prosecuted and face the justice for what he did.”
Osuala also says that his group wants independence for Biafra but is seeking it by peaceful means. “We need to get freedom by peace and that is why we are protesting,” he says. “We are not terrorists, we are not killing people.”
Buhari and co on the road to ICC prison
Kanu, who also runs the Radio Biafra was arrested by Nigerian security forces in October, 2015, on charges of ethnic incitement and sedition. 
He remains in illegal detention and was refused bail by a federal high court in the capital Abuja as at 29th January when Justice John Tsoho declined his bail application.
Buhari has previously refused calls for Kanu to be released, describing the activist – who is based in the U.K. and runs the underground media outlet Radio Biafra – as a flight risk.
The ICC was not immediately available to confirm that the complaint had been filed. Once a complaint is filed at the ICC, the prosecutor can decide to open an investigation if there is a reasonable basis for believing that crimes against humanity have been committed.
Femi Adesina, a media advisor to Buhari, declined to comment on the ICC case and told Newsweek that while Kanu’s case was ongoing, the Nigerian presidency would rather not comment on the matter.
“Nigeria is already a long time on the agenda of the [ICC] prosecutor and Nigerian courts are not dealing at all with these crimes. The time really has come for the ICC to act,” says Sluiter.

Mary Helen Bernstein American Right activist extols Biafran journalists for a great job so far

Mary Helen Bernstein American Right activist extols Biafran journalists for a great job so far
A United States based human rights activist, Mary Helen Bernstein has  extolled Biafran journalists for the wonderful work they are doing for the restoration of Biafra. Bernstein,  who always stand on the path of justice, equity and human rights used the opportunity to express her support for biafra.

"I just wanted to say I really appreciate all you young Biafran journalists and photographers. You are all so articulate and bright. The cohesion is amazing, all you harmony for this goal. You will all have prestigious jobs one day and this war journalism experience will be under your belt.
"You all bring richness of empathy as well to the World with your craft through your lens and through your pen. Remember a picture is worth a 1,000 photographers with your angle, with your visions. Likewise, the pen is mightier than the sword. Or in this case, social media! You can post your writings here on my page for exposure. I love it and enjoy it and it helps me to see all of your viewpoints.

"The greatest works are borne out of adversity and you will all be triumphant in the Kingdom of Biafra. I hope to be there one day with you all. as my final resting place. I appreciate the older, seasoned writers and warriors as well. Everyone has unique aptitudes and visions that they bring to the table. If it takes 100 people or so to make a movie production. One only can imagine how many talents and hands are needed to restore a country.

"You are all doing a stellar job. I love all of you. Keep up the stories, the comments, post your twitter account handles for me to add and refer people to. Keep the cinema coming with the videos capturing the struggle. This is a live resume wherein people can see you showcase your talents as well.

Bernstein also promised report violence and human rights abuses perpetrated against Biafrans by the Nigerian government to Jonathan H. Levy, Human Rights Watch, other human rights.

Post any violence this time forward towards you like you doing and I will make sure to get it to Jonathan H. Levy, Human Rights Watch, other human rights tor the case against this demonic lawless Nigeria attempting to keep Biafra tethered with it and its curse ...the brutality unleashed against its own citizens is amazing...this was not occurring with the previous President this is total descent into madness...the so called police, security and military foxes guarding the hen houses good friend Amber God rest her soul said the only difference between the cop and the criminal is the badge...this certainly rings true for Nigeria...cops shaking down people for money rather than protecting...the insane running the asylum

Nigeria: A country 'GALLANTLY' grinding to a halt

Nigeria: a country 'GALLANTLY' grinding to a halt
Every economic and political indices out there point to one thing  -  Nigeria is dying!
The country that once prided herself as the "giant of Africa" is grinding to a halt. Frighteningly, only a few section of her teeming population seemed to have realised this.

Nigeria's journey to demise started the moment Nigerians allegedly voted General Muhammadu Buhari a stark illiterate who never obtained a secondarily certificate into office.
Buhari expectedly has turned governance upside down - what do you expect?
A clear demonstration of Buhari's misgovernance and Nigeria's ultimate journey to oblivion is the rapid fall of her currency, the naira. In May 2015, the US dollar was exchanging at about 190 naira. Few months after the dollar is exchanging at a whooping N305. Yet the Buhari-led government is insisting it won't officially devalue the naira. As a response and in his dictatorial tendencies, Buhari has hijacked the duties of the Central Bank of Nigeria. He has essentially stripped it of its autonomy and dictates the economic policies.
The same goes with the judiciary where Buhari flouts unfavourable court orders and only obey the ones he deemed favourable. Buhari is adamantly trampling the Nigerian judiciary as well as the rights of Nigerians. He is almost becoming a supreme emperor upon whose shoulder every power in the land rests.
Yet this is someone who has never clearly given an articulated answer to every question that has been posed to him in the public.
Nigeria's crude oil is no longer lucrative as many countries that used to patronise the Nigerian sweet crude are shunning it.
A clear demonstration of Buhari's misgovernance and Nigeria's ultimate journey to oblivion is the rapid fall of her currency, the naira.
Nigeria's stock market is at rock bottom with many foreign investors having pulled out their shares from the Nigeria choppy stock market.
No aspect of governance appears to be moving and Nigerians are toiling under extreme hardship.
It is expected that if the country does not borrow in the next few months, it won't be able to pay salary of workers. Already at the state level, the effect is being felt. Many governors have begun sacking workers, while some threaten to cut down minimum wages as their revenues from the federal allocation increasingly decline.
The Bloomberg has described the Nigeria's dire situation and currency manipulation as "Flirting with DISASTER!" Likewise, The another prominent international economic heavyweight, the Financial Times described Nigeria's approach to its economic misfortune as the "height of foolishness!".
You need no other indicator that the two above to understand how precarious Nigerians current situation is.
Politically, as Buhari clamps down on dissenting voice the Indigenous people of Biafra have intensified their effort to restore the Biafra Republic. Biafrans have seen the ultimate collapse of Nigeria and want an out before the country implodes!

The amalgamation of Nigeria was a FRAUD - Chief Richard Akinjide, SAN (Nigeria's former Attorney General and MInister of Justice)

The amalgamation of Nigeria was a FRAUD -  Chief Richard Akinjide, SAN (Nigeria's former Attorney General and MInister of Justice)
(Being excerpts from the speech of Chief Richard Akinjide (SAN), first and second Republic Minister, at the public presentation of the book “Fellow Country Men- the story of Coup D’etats in Nigeria by Richard Akinnola, June 2000)

I was in the first cabinet that was overthrown by the military in this country. I entered parliame...nt in December 12, 1959. And I remained in parliament until January 15, 1966 when the government was overthrown. I was the Federal Minister of Education in that cabinet. I woke up one morning in my official house in Ikoyi to discover that my telephone was not working. I had never experienced coup before nor did I know that it was a coup, thinking it was just a telephone fault; until a colleague of mine in the cabinet Chief Abiodun Akerele, came in and told me there had been a military coup. So I had the fortune or the misfortune of being a victim of the first coup in this country.
Many people may not know that I spent 18 months in detention in prisons across the country. I’ve spent time in KiriKiri prison, Ilesha prison, Ibadan prison and the Abeokuta prison.
Two of us who were in Balewa’s government emerged when the military handed over to the civilians in 1979 as part of the civilian government. In Balewa’s government, Alhaji Shehu Shagari was the Minister of Works while I was the Minister of Education. When the military handed over to us after about 14 years, Shagari emerged as the President while I became the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice. Again, Shagari’s government was overthrown just a few months after I left the cabinet. Of course, we suspected it was coming. A lot of things that happened between that period and now would never see the light of the day. When you are in government, you know a lot of things, you see a lot of things. A lot of things you know or did or saw will die with you.
This is the practice of the whole world. People have asked me to write my memoirs, I just laugh because there are certain things I can never reveal.
When I was in Tafawa Balewa’s Cabinet, all Cabinet Ministers had access to written intelligence report every month. That was the practice at that time. But when Shagari came in, for reasons which I cannot explain, that practice was no longer followed. But by virtue of my duties as the Attorney-General and as a member of the National Security Council, I continued to have access to some sensitive matters.
Nigeria is a very complex country. Our problems did not start yesterday. It started about 1894. Lord Lugard came here about 1894 and many people did not know that Major Lugard was not originally employed by the British government. He was employed by companies. He was first employed by East Indian Company, by the Royal East African Company and then by the Royal Niger Company. It was from the Royal Niger Company that he transferred to the British government.
Unless you know this background, you will not know the root causes of our problems. The interest of the Europeans in Africa and indeed in Nigeria was economic and it’s still economic. They have no permanent friends and no permanent interest. Neither their interest nor their friends are permanent. Nigeria was created as British sphere of interests for business.
In 1898, Lugard formed the West African Frontier Force initially with 2,000 soldiers and that was the beginning of our problems. Anybody that wants to know the root cause of all the coups in this book and our present problems and who does not know the evolution of Nigeria would just be looking at the matter superficially. Our problems started from that time. And Lugard was what they called at that time imperialist. A number of British soldiers, businessmen, politicians were very patriotic. But I must warn you, they were operating in the interest of their country. Lugard became a Lord. Nigerians, too, should operate in the interest of their country.
When Lugard formed the West African Frontier Force with 2,000 troops, about 90 percent of them were from the North mainly from the middle belt. And his dispatches to London between that time and January 1914 was extremely interesting. Lugard came here for a purpose and that purpose was British interest.
Between 1898 and 1914, he sent a number of dispatches to London which led to the Amalgamation of 1914. The Order-in-Council was drawn up in November 1913, signed and came into force in January 1914. In those dispatches, Lugard said a number of things which are the root causes of yesterday and today’s problems. The British needed the Railway from the North to the Coast in the interest of British business. Amalgamation of the South (not of the people) became of crucial importance to British business interest.
He said the North and South should be amalgamated. Southern Nigeria came into existence on January 1900…….At the centenary of the fall of Benin, I wrote a piece in a number of papers but before I published the piece, I sent a copy to the Oba of Benin.
So when Benin was conquered in 1896, it made the creation of the Southern Nigerian protectorate possible on January 1, 1900. If you remember, Sokoto was not conquered until 1903. So, there was no question of Nigeria at that time. After the conquest of Sokoto, they were able to create the Northern Nigeria protectorate. Lugard went full blast and created what was to be known as the protectorate of Northern Nigeria.
What is critical and important are the reasons Lugard gave in his dispatches. They are as follows:
He said the North is poor and they have no resources to run the protectorate of the North. That they have no access to the sea; that the South has resources and that they have educated people. The first Yoruba Lawyer was called to the Bar in 1861. Therefore, because it was not the policy of the British Government to bring the tax-payers money to run the protectorate, it was in the interest of the British tax payer that there should be Amalgamation. But what the British Amalgamated was the Administration of the North and South. That is one of the root causes of the problems of Nigeria and the Nigerians.
When the amalgamation took effect, the British government sealed off the South from the North. And between 1914 and 1960, that’s a period of 46 years, the British allowed minimum contact between the North and South because it was not in the British interest that the North be allowed to be polluted by the educated South. That was the basis on which we got our independence in 1960 when I was in the parliament. I entered parliament on December 12, 1959.
When the North formed a political party, the Northern leaders called it Northern People’s Congress (NPC). They didn’t call it Nigeria’s people Congress. That was in accordance with the dictum and policies of Lugard. When Aminu Kano formed his own party, it was called Northern Elements Progressive Union (NEPU) not Nigerian Elements Progressive Union. It was only Awolowo and Zik who were mistaken that there was anything called Nigeria. In fact, the so-called Nigeria created in 1914 was a complete fraud. It was created not in the interest of Nigeria or Nigerians but in the interest of the British. And what were the structures created? The structures created were as follows: Northern Nigeria was to represent England; Western Nigeria like Wales; Eastern Nigeria was to be like Scotland.
In the British structure, England has permanent majority in the House of Commons. There was no way Wales can ever dominate England, neither can Scotland dominate Britain. But they are very shrewd. They would allow a Scottish man to become Prime Minister. They would allow a welsh man to become Prime Minister in London but the fact remains that the actual power is rested in England.
That was what Lugard created In Nigeria, a permanent majority for the North. The population figure is also a fraud. In fact, a British Colonial Civil Servant who was involved in the fraud was trying to expose it but he was never allowed to publish it.
The analysis is as follows: If you look at the map of West Africa, starting from Mauritania to Cameroun and take a population of each country as you move from the Coast to Savannah, the population decreases. Or conversely, as you come from the Desert to the Coast, right from Mauritania to Cameroun, the population increases.
The only exception throughout the zone is Nigeria. Nigeria is the only Zone whereby you go from the Coast to the North, the population increases and you come from the North to the Coast, the population decreases. Well, geographers, anthropologists and population experts, draw your conclusions. Someone has told me that the last population census was done by computer. What nonsense. A computer is as good as its programmer. A computer will produce what you ask it to produce.
I have read this book from cover to cover. This is a fantastic book. I want us to find a way to ensure that many Nigerians read this book. It is a raw material for future authors. There is one thing which is missing in this book and that is the first broadcast of General Ibrahim Babaginda when he assumed power in 1985. The broadcast is very crucial to the economic problems we have today.
Talking on the first coup, when Balewa got missing, we knew Okotie-Eboh had been killed, we knew Akintola had been killed. We the members of the Balewa cabinet started meeting. But how can we have a cabinet meeting without the Prime Minister acting or the Prime Minister presiding. So, unanimously, we nominated acting Prime Minister amongst us. Then we continued holding our meetings. Then we got a message that we should all assemble at the Cabinet office.
All the Ministers were requested by the G.O.C. of the Nigerian Army, General Ironsi to assemble. What was amazing at that time was that Ironsi was going all over Lagos unarmed. We assembled there, having nominating Zana Diphcharima as our acting prime minister in the absence of the Prime Minister, whose where about we didn’t know. We approached the acting President, Nwafor Orizu to swear him in because he could not legitimately act as the Prime Minister except he was sworn in. Nwafor Orizu refused. He said he needed to contact Zik who was then in West Indies.
Under the Law, that is, the interpretation Act, as acting President, Nwafor Orizu had all the powers of the President.
The G.O.C said he wanted to see all the cabinet ministers. And so we assembled at the cabinet office. Well, I have read in many books saying that we handed over to the military. We did not hand-over. Ironsi told us that “you either hand over as gentlemen or you hand-over by force”. These were his words. Is that voluntary hand-over? So we did not hand-over. We wanted the Acting Prime Minister to be in place but Ironsi forced us, and I use the word force advisedly, to handover to him. He was controlling the soldiers.
The acting President, Nwafor Orizu, who did not cooperate with us, cooperated with the GOC. Dr. Orizu and the GOC prepared speeches which Nwafor Orizu broadcast handing over to the government of the country to the army. I here state again categorically as a member of that cabinet that we did not hand-over voluntarily. It was a coup.
There is a very good book, which everybody must read. It is raw material for future authors. Anybody, who wants to know some of the causes of our problems, military instability should read this book. I recommend this book to all universities and secondary schools, so that they can know how we got to where we are now. What this book shows is that if anybody stages a coup and if people don’t accept it, it would not succeed. What puzzles me is how the author got all these materials. He must have connections in high places to be able to get a lot of these materials. These materials should not be in archives, they should be in public domain so that we know the causes of our problems.
I pray that all Nigerians should rise up and say no if anybody seizes a radio station and says “fellow countrymen”. I hope that this book will find a way into all university libraries throughout this country, to all secondary school libraries and abroad. I appeal to the media to give this book a comprehensive and desired review. The more I open the book, the more I see something to talk about. This book is going to represent one of the chapters in the tragedy of Nigeria. This book is just like horror film because the instability which was started in 1966…….. because many of the coups are what I’ll call commercial coups.
If anything at all, we have to learn a great lesson from this book and also learn a lesson on what happened, who failed or succeeded in their coups. When it succeeds, they call it glorious revolution, but when it fails, it is called treason. It is my honor and privilege to present this great and historic book. One of the things I like about the book is the language of the author. He’s someone who speaks Englishman’s English. He writes Queens English. Very lucid, very flowing.
- Excerpts from the book “Fellow Country Men- the story of Coup D’etats in Nigeria" by Richard Akinnola, (June 2000)

Nnamdi Kanu's detention: Niger Delta militants DETAINS ship off the coast of Bakassi. To blow it up if. . .

Nnamdi Kanu's detention: Niger Delta militants seize ship of the coast of Nigeria. Threaten to blow it up
Unconfirmed report has it that a group of ex-militants in support of the agitation by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has claimed responsibility for the detention of a ship on Friday along the Bakassi Pennisula Nigeria coastal line.
According to The Sun, the group, which recently gave the Nigerian government a 31-day ultimatum to release Nnamdi Kanu, the IPOB leader and Director of Radio Biafra, said the concerned Niger Delta agitators were abreast with the incarceration of Kanu.

Spokesperson of the group, who gave his name as General Ben, threatened that they would blow up the vessel with the expatriates onboard, if the government continues to dilly-dally over Kanu’s release.
Speaking in Port Harcourt yesterday, the group’s spokesperson declared that they would not wait till the end of the ultimatum, before showing their seriousness.
Ben stated: “We cannot wait till the end of the 31 days to tell the Federal Government that we are serious. The vessel and the crew are under custody.
And any noise, any delay from government, we will blow up everything. We will blow the vessel and everybody in the vessel will go down. “We are not interested in the country that owns the vessel. What we know is that the vessel was coming to Nigeria to lift oil. We are not interested; once it is blown up, let the country and Nigeria resolve the matter.
“We are in touch with everything happening around the IPOB leader.
Now, court has denied him bail, saying because of his dual citizenship, he might jump bail. We also heard that the judge said he would rather give the matter an accelerated hearing.
This is provocative; hence we did not waste time to go into action. We are in support of the Biafra struggle.
We will not retreat or surrender. “The federal government might have taken our ultimatum as an empty threat. But, we will surprise them,” he stated.
Also, the group reacted to the Supreme Court verdict, which upheld the appeal filed by Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, saying that it saved the state from bloodshed.
Ben said the state would have been overwhelmed by crisis, warning any government against sabotaging the IPOB agitation of the consequences.

Goodluck Jonathan Revealed The Real Reason Why He Conceded Defeat To Buhari

Goodluck Jonathan Revealed The Real Reason Why He Conceded Defeat To Buhari

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has spoken on the real reason why he accepted defeat to Buhari, he also narrates the tensed he faced on March 28, 2015 ahead of his decision to concede victory to President Muhammadu Buhari after that year’s presidential election.

Jonathan revealed this, last week, during a dinner in his honour by Cercle Diplomatique, Geneva, Switzerland. The former President also spoke about his foray into politics, the allure of power and future plans.

Read below:
He began: “ As you can see, I have not come here with a prepared speech, since what I consider appropriate for this occasion is to just thank you all, members and everyone else in attendance, in a few words, for the dinner and the award, in order not to make the evening look boring. But having said that, I am still tempted to note that if I were to present a written speech, the title, would probably have been “Power Tussle in Africa: A Stumbling Block to Economic Growth.” When Mr. Robert Blum, your President, made his very interesting opening remarks, he introduced me as the former President of Nigeria. He was absolutely correct.
My foray into politics

“However, I believe that not many of you here know that the story of my foray into politics has a peculiar ring to it. I entered politics in 1998 and, barely one year after, I got elected as the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa, my state. I later became Governor, Vice President and eventually got elected as the President of my country. I remain the only leader in my country to have travelled that route.

As the President, I served out my first term but, as Mr. Blum had pointed out earlier, I lost the bid to be re-elected. I am encouraged by the fact that many of you here appreciated my decision not to reject or contest my loss at the polls, not even in the courts as many people had expected.
The allure of power
“Again, I have to agree with Blum that it was not an easy decision to take. This is because the allure of power and the worries about what would become of you after leaving office constitute an irresistible
force. It has an attraction so controlling and powerful that it takes a man who has the fear of God and who loves his people and nation to relinquish power so easily in Africa.
Alone in the valley
“I was actually in that valley on March 28, 2015. I never knew that the human brain had the capacity for such enhanced rapid thinking. One hundred and one things were coursing through my mind every second. My country was at the verge of collapse. The tension in the land was abysmally high and palpable, in the months and days leading to the election. The country became more polarized more than ever before, such that the gap between the North and the South and between Christians and Muslims became quite pronounced. In fact, it became so disturbing that some interest groups in the United States began to predict that Nigeria would disintegrate in 2015. And, indeed, many Nigerians did buy into this doomsday prophesy as they began to brace themselves for the worst. As the President, I reminded myself that the Government I led had invested so much effort into building our country. I worked hard with my top officials to encourage Nigerians and non-Nigerians to invest in our country to be able to provide jobs and improve the lives of our people. We worked hard to grow our economy and to improve and bring Nigeria up as the biggest economy in Africa, with a GDP of about half a trillion dollars.
Posers I had to contend with
“Should I then, for the love of power, watch Nigeria slide into a theatre of war, with my fellow country men and women dying, and many more pouring into other nations in Africa and beyond, as refugees?
Should I hang on to power and tussle with my challengers, while the investments of hard working citizens of the world go down the drain? I then said to myself, NO!
Resisting the lure of power
“I promised my God that I will not let that fate befall Nigeria under my watch, hence the historic telephone call I put through to congratulate my challenger even when the results were still being
tallied. I believe that for a country to be great, both the leaders and the led must be prepared to make sacrifices. This is why, everywhere I go, I always advise that the new generation of African leaders must think differently. We can no longer afford to wilfully sacrifice the blood of our citizens on the altar of dangerous partisan politics. It is not worth it. This reminds me of one of my campaign statements to the effect that my ambition was not worth the shedding of the blood of any Nigerian. Some people took it then as mere political slogan but I knew that I meant it when I said it.
We must all fight for the enthronement of political stability in Africa, for in it lies the panacea for sustainable growth and development. For Africa to record the kind of advancement that will be
competitive and beneficial to our citizens, we must have stable states supported by strong institutions. That appears to be the irreducible minimum that is common to all developed societies. Africa’s political odyssey can distinctly be categorised into three eras, and probably another that would later signpost its classification as a developed continent”.
“Some may doubt this, but it is no fluke that Africa is growing and rising. However I will admit before you here that we still have challenges. That is why people like us did all we could to ensure that
Nigeria, the biggest black nation on earth, would not drift into anarchy because such a situation would have spelt doom for the rest of the continent. It would have affected not just Nigeria alone, but the
GDP and economy of the entire West Africa. And if the economy of West Africa crashes, it would definitely affect the performance of the economy of the whole of Africa. As you know, the GDP of Africa is less than three trillion dollars, with only six African countries able to boast of nominal GDP above $100 billion. Even for those in this ‘elite’ category, you can’t really say that they are rich countries. Apart from maybe South Africa that has an industrially competitive economy, the rest are still mainly commodity exporting countries. Even the case of that of South Africa is not very encouraging, because we have a situation which we could refer to as a first world economic performance, yet the ordinary people live the life of the people in the so called third world.
In the case of Nigeria which is even the biggest economy on the continent, the reality is that we have an unenviable per capita GDP of $3,203, which is the World Bank average for a period covering 2011-2015.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Four Corners Alliance Group Compensation Plan - We Pay Your Way In

Interview with David Harrison CEO of Four Corners Alliance Group HD

Pay it Forward Concept - Four Corners Alliance Group

Four Corners Alliance Group the way of your financial freedom

CEO End of Year Message

Another year has nearly passed.Did you achieve any of your goals this year? The leaders spend a lot of time discussing goals, targets, positivity, and believing in oneself. All of these things are essential. Especially believing in oneself. I know personally I didn't believe in myself for a long time. If you don't believe you can do it, then you can't do it. You will blame others, but deep down, your failure will eat away at your soul. If you felt those words in your heart, like a hot knife, it's time to change your belief system. Only you know you, your greatness, your ability to lead the pack. Four corners alliance group is coming up on another year of being in business. There were naysayers in 2012 that said we would not last three months. Then they said we wouldn't last six months. When six months passed they said we wouldn't last a year. Now we have naysayers saying we won't last more than three years. All of the statements are quitting statements. We have become incredibly efficient beings at finding excuses to not do. Why not make 2016 the year that you do something. It's not up to me to do something for you it's up to me to provide the tools. It's up to me to make sure you can get paid. It's up to me to make sure that you have company support. It's up to you to get out there and promote your business, yourself, and to be a star. I'm 52 years old, and if I had this attitude 20 years ago, I'd be a billionaire by now. Our staff will be working through the holiday period. This shows you the level of dedication of the four corners family. This is the time of year where most people around the world, no matter what their religion, want to get together with friends and family. From my family to your family have a tremendous holiday season. And a happy new year. David Harrison - CEO

Press Release from Four Corners Marketing Department

Four Corners Alliance Group Announces the Arrival of Mobile Wallet for Its Nigerian Associates and their Teams

This is a major positive development for Nigerian Four Corners members, with Ghana soon to follow…

July 22, 2015--Four Corners Alliance Group has just announced that their Nigerian associates will soon have the ability to pay by mobile wallet.
“This now gives Nigerians a new way to pay for products, which is something we’ve been working hard to make happen,” said Four Corners CEO David Harrison. “Being able to use your smart phone as a payment option is the height of convenience, and we’re excited that it’s now going to be a reality for our Nigerian friends.”
Four Corners Nigerian associates will also be able to receive withdrawal requests back onto their mobile phones. “We pride ourselves on our ability to address the needs of our constituents and their teams around the world. This is a major step forward in the development of the Nigerian marketplace,” Harrison said.
The next country to have mobile wallet capability will be Ghana, which will happen later this summer. Harrison went further to state that he is applying a lot of pressure to access the mobile wallets of Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Zambia

Indigenous People of Biafra: Dutch Lawyers File Complaint Against Buhari at The Hague

The pro-Biafran activist group led by the imprisoned Nnamdi Kanu has filed a complaint against Muhammadu Buhari in The Hague, accusing the Nigerian president of war crimes.
Thousands of people in southeast Nigeria have demonstrated in recent months, demanding independence for Biafra. Kanu, the leader of one of the most prominent activist groups—the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)—was arrested by Nigerian security forces in October 2015 on charges of ethnic incitement and sedition. He remains in detention and was refused bail by a federal high court in the capital Abuja on Friday.

Goran Sluiter, a lawyer at Dutch human rights legal firm Prakken d’Oliveira, filed the complaint with the International Criminal Court in The Hague on Friday. Sluiter tells Newsweek that there has been “an intensification of violence and crimes committed against Biafrans since Mr Buhari became the Nigerian president.”

There have been numerous reports of pro-Biafran protesters being killed in clashes with Nigerian security forces during demonstrations. More than 20 protesters and two police officers have been killed since October 2015, AP reported, with about 200 people detained across the country. Inspector General Solomon Arase, Nigeria’s chief of police, warned protesters in December to stop their activities or face “the full weight of the law.”

“Nigeria is already a long time on the agenda of the [ICC] prosecutor and Nigerian courts are not dealing at all with these crimes. The time really has come for the ICC to act,” says Sluiter.
The complaint was filed on behalf of 17 unnamed victims and alleges to set out evidence of crimes against humanity—including torture and murder—committed by Nigerian security forces against pro-Biafran protesters.

Ndubuisi Osuala, the coordinator of IPOB’s branch in the Netherlands—which he says numbers around 200 official members—says the group wishes to see Kanu released and Buhari prosecuted for overseeing crimes against Biafrans. “What every IPOB member, every Biafran citizen wants is the release of our great leader, Nnamdi Kanu, who is a freedom fighter,” says Osuala. “Secondly, we need the International Criminal Court to bring justice and equity to our case…[President Buhari] has to be prosecuted and face the justice for what he did.”

Osuala also says that his group wants independence for Biafra but is seeking it by peaceful means. “We need to get freedom by peace and that is why we are protesting,” he says. “We are not terrorists, we are not killing people.”

Buhari has previously refused calls for Kanu to be released, describing the activist—who is based in the U.K. and runs the underground media outlet Radio Biafra— as a flight risk.
Femi Adesina, a media advisor to Buhari, declined to comment on the ICC case and told Newsweek that while Kanu’s case was ongoing, the Nigerian presidency would rather not comment on the matter.

The ICC was not immediately available to confirm that the complaint had been filed. Once a complaint is filed at the ICC, the prosecutor can decide to open an investigation if there is a reasonable basis for believing that crimes against humanity have been committed. Nigeria is a signatory to the Rome Statute, upon which the ICC’s jurisdiction in based.


Biafra: Why Buhari Refused Nnamdi Kanu, others bail

The Abuja Division of the Federal High Court, yesterday, gave reasons why the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, who is answering to a six –count treason charge, should not be released on bail pending the determination of his trial. Kanu who has been in detention since October 14, 2015, is facing trial alongside two other pro-Biafra agitators, Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi.

They were in the charge that was signed by the Director of Public Prosecution, DPP, Mr. Mohammed Diri, alleged to have committed treasonable felony, an offence punishable under Section 41(C) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria. FG alleged that the defendants were the ones managing the affairs of the IPOB which it described as “an unlawful society”.

Specifically, Kanu, who is also the Director of Radio Biafra and Television, was alleged to have illegally smuggled radio transmitters into Nigeria, which he used to disseminate “hate broadcasts”, encouraging the “secession of the Republic of Biafra”, from Nigeria. The trio however pleaded not guilty to the charge on January 20, even as the trial judge, Justice John Tsoho, ordered their remand at Kuje prison pending ruling on a consolidated bail application they filed through their lawyer, Chief Udechukwu Udechukwu, SAN.

In the bail request dated January 14, which was predicated on the provisions of sections 35 and 36 of the 1999 constitution, as amended, and sections 158, 159 and 162 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, ACJA, 2015, the defendants, insisted that all the allegations levelled against were bailable offences. Relying on the decided case-law in Ibori vs FRN, they urged the court to exercise its discretion in their favour considering that the law presumes them innocent until when their guilt is established.

Counsel to the accused persons maintained that his clients would not interfere with the witnesses if released on bail, adding that the statement of the defendants showed that they did not commit any crime, but were only agitating for their right to self determination under the African Charter for Human Peoples’ Right and the UN charter. Udechukwu, SAN, pleaded the court to grant the defendants bail on most liberal term since the charge against them does not attract capital punishment but  the federal government, through a counter-affidavit it filed before the court, vehemently opposed the bail application.

The government urged the court to refuse the defendants bail, stressing that Kanu, who it said enjoyed large followership, was likely to continue operating Radio Biafra, if released from detention. FG further contended that the 1st defendant would not likely surrender himself for trial and could escape from the country since he has dual citizenship. The prosecutor told the court that Kanu hitherto operated Radio Biafra from the United Kingdom before his arrest, adding that he has the capacity to interfere with the witnesses who it described as “civilians dwelling within the area the defendants operated”.

Ruling on the application yesterday, Justice Tsoho denied the defendants bail, just as he okayed their accelerated trial. The Judge insisted that though the law permitted him to exercise his discretion in deciding whether or not the accused persons should be released on bail, he stressed that such discretion ought to be exercised “judicially and judiciously”. Justice Tsoho noted that the charge against the defendants “is a grave one that will attract severe punishment upon conviction”, adding that it carries life imprisonment.

More so, the judge maintained that the right to personal liberty of any individual takes secondary place once the issue of national security is involved. He observed that the defendants had in an affidavit they deposed in support of their bail application,  averred that they have a right to agitate for self determination. “The situation as perceived by this court is that there is conflict of interest between the applicants who insist that they have a right to agitate and the respondent (federal government)  which argues that it has the responsibility to maintain peace and order.

“Personal liberty of an individual within the contemplation of section 35 of the 1999 constitution is a qualified right that is not absolute. It can be curtailed in other to prevent a person from committing further offence. “Section 35 cannot be used as a canopy to escape lawful detention by persons suspected to have committed serious crime”, the Judge held He said that the government tendered sufficient materials that showed that the defendants were not entitled to bail, adding that the accused persons did not controvert issues FG raised against them in its counter-affidavit.

“By virtue of the case summary, list of witnesses and statements of the defendants, it is evident that the activities of the defendants were inimical to national security”, Justice Tsoho added. He said the broadcast of Radio Biafra was aimed at causing disaffection that could lead to breach of peace in the country. “It is my candid view that the three defendants/applicants are not entitled to bail. I accordingly order that they should be detained in prison custody pending their trial”.

The court yesterday fixed February 9, 10, 11 and 12 to commence full-blown trial of the accused persons.

Culled from Vanguard