Saturday 26 March 2016

READ: Translation of What Shekau Said in New Boko Haram Video

Abubakar Shekau on Thursday appeared in a new Boko Haram video, looking weak and solemn. Here's a translation of what he said in the video according to AFP:


SOUNDBITE 1 - Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram (man, Hausa, 12 sec) "I received your greetings, I heard all your messages, my brethren who work for Allah, for example in the town that was hitherto called 'Darussalam' (the home of peace)."

SOUNDBITE 2 - Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram (man, Hausa, 20 sec) "This is a message of greetings and joy for you to see my face but your messenger will tell you other confidential messages. You can hear from the person with whom we have forged good relations."

SOUNDBITE 3 - Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram (man, Hausa, 19 sec) "This is my desire; that whoever sees this will hear nothing but greetings between me and you. Only Allah knows the rest, as you believed (and) as you submitted. For me the end has come."

"This is only the message I want to send to you for you to understand that this is certainly I. This is why I did this.

"May Allah protect us so that no hypocrite stands between us. May Allah protect us from the devil so that he doesn't achieve his evil among us.
"May Allah protect us and may we stand firm on the path of Allah. I thank my creator."


Friday 25 March 2016

TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Look What Britain Just Discovered Inside Muslim “Refugee” Camps

Donald Trump
A new report shows that British authorities, including Prime Minister David Cameron, knew that they were taking in tens of thousands of Syrians from refugee camps controlled by the Islamic State group, according to the U.K. Express.

According to the report from the Barnabas Fund, a group that aids persecuted Christians around the world, Prime Minister Cameron knew as early as September, when he visited the camps for displaced Syrians in Lebanon, that the Islamic State group was in control of them.

Cameron’s visit occurred before the British began taking in 20,000 refugees from the camp, leading to questions about whether the U.K. knowingly took in terrorists or radicalized “refugees.” Terrorists posing as “refugees” were linked to the Paris terror attacks in November, as well as other plots.

“In September 2015 Lebanon’s Education minister Elias Bou Saab told British Prime Minister David Cameron during a tour of refugee camps that some Syrian refugees traveling to Europe were Islamists, adding that this was also the case among those living in refugee camps,” the Barnabas Fund’s report read, according to the Express.

The report also said that “recent analysis” of the Free Syrian Army showed extremists were recruiting inside the Lebanese camps.

“While FSA does not seem to actively recruit among the refugees in Lebanon, radical Islamist groups appear to be active,” it read, according to the Express.

An investigation by the British Parliament’s International Development Committee also revealed that Cameron and the British government had received information that the Islamic State group controlled camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan from which the U.K. intended to take refugees.

In spite of this information, the government decided to take in 20,000 refugees from those camps over a period of about five years.

Mike Hookem, a spokesman for the anti-immigration U.K. Independence Party, said that he believed the camps had been taken over by the Islamic State group and that Cameron should be held to account.

“My sources in Lebanon have said for a long time that the refugee camps where Britain is sourcing the 20,000 refugees from are run by terrorists and are absolutely unsafe,” Hookem said. “If David Cameron did know about this and did not pay attention, at the very least, he needs to be hauled up in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee and answer these questions.

“We need make to make sure we have a prime minister who puts the welfare of the British people above the appearance of ‘doing the right thing’ in front of the international community.”

We hope the U.K. gets a leader like that. Maybe they could tell us what it’s like.

Donald Trump is looking more and more right every day. Please like and share this story on Facebook and Twitter if you agree.


Thursday 24 March 2016



The Nigerian government is a complete disgrace to governance. It baffles me how Nigerian leadership deceive themselves in their thinking that the world is as foolish and stupid as they are in their actions and inactions which is open for all to see. Nigerian government in their corrupt imagination thinks that people will be deceived and fooled by their hypocritical actions to think that they are what they claim to be.
How could a nation that disobeys a ruling of a court of competent jurisdiction come out to tell the world that they uphold the rule of law. Do they think that the world will only see what they want them to see or hear only what they want them to hear? The whole world over knows that Nigeria is a lawless country where court rulings are flouted with all recklessness. Where the president sits in a media chat and finds a suspect guilty without trial. A country where a judge will pass a ruling and come back to vacate the ruling without an appeal by the prosecution. A country whose president unilaterally registers the country in an international treaty of military coalition, in a democratic dispensation, without the approval of the National assemble, [Senate or House of Representatives]. A country who claim to practice freedom of the press and freedom of speech but goes about impounding and confiscating Newspapers carrying news about Biafra.

On the 30th of August, 2015, [the BLACK SUNDAY], a combined team of the Nigerian Army, Navy and Police opened fire on unarmed IPOB members evangelizing along Bridge Head Onitsha, killing about 3 and wounding over 30.
On the 2nd and 17th December, 2015 the Nigerian Army again, shot and killed over 25 members of the Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB who were rejoicing and jubilating over the news of the release of the detained Director of Radio Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Some who were wounded were rushed to the hospital, but the Nigerian army stormed the hospital where these Biafrans were being treated and whisked them away to an unknown destination and have never been seen or heard from till date.

Yet again 9th of February, 2016, these breed of murderers called Nigeria Army, Navy and Police invaded the compound of National High School Aba where members of IPOB were praying for the detained leader of IPOB before embarking on a peaceful protest, and opened fire on the unarmed citizens, killing about 10 people including a woman on the spot and fatally injuring about 22 others.

Then on Saturday, February 13, 2016, 13 dead bodies of suspected IPOB members were found at an isolated refuse dumping ground with their hands tied behind them with the Biafran flag and shot dead and a very dangerous chemicals poured on them making their bodies to bleach and shrink.
On the 19th day of January, 2013, floating bodies of about 30 men were discovered at Ezu River in Amansea community of Anambra State. What killed them? Who killed them and dumped them inside the Ezu river? A commission of inquiry into the death of these 30 men were never conducted or if conducted by a “Kangaroo” committee, the report was never made public till date. Autopsy report on the cause of such magnitude of deaths was never made public. Only in Nigeria.
It will be recalled that months before the arrest of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra and Director of Radio Biafra and Biafra TV, the Nigeria government mobilized her military to arrest and detain anybody seen listening to Radio Biafra or playing the radio station in his car. If you are seen with a Biafran Flag, you will be arrested. If you are seen wearing a Biafran T-shirt, you will be arrested and in most case disappear without trace. And this country claim she is practicing democracy. Can any country be more hypocritical?
Saturday, 12 December 2015, the Nigeria armed Forces attacked and killed over 1000 Shiites Muslims in Kanu State Nigeria and detained its leader, Sheikh Ibrahim ZakZaky. He has neither been charged by the police or Army nor been released.

Now, this government who has committed these innumerable amount of human rights violations, seeing that it has got a case to answer at the ICC in The Hague, quickly inaugurates an investigative panel of inquiry into the crimes SHE committed. And who are the members of this panel you might ask? Surprise surprise.... the same people who committed the crime. NIGERIA GOVERNMENT LED BY GENERAL MOHAMMADU BUHARI HAS SET UP A MILITARY COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY COMMITTED BY THE MILITARY. Ridiculous isn't it?
And they are calling on members of the society who have any information regarding these atrocities to come up and give such information. Now can someone tell me how any Nigerian citizen can go to these Military men to testify against the army when mere mention of the word Biafra means death. When mere listening to Radio Biafra is a crime. What evidence do they want the masses to come up to give when Buhari refused to watch a video clip showing one of the atrocities committed by his men presented to him by an Aljazeera journalist. WHO IS FOOLING WHO? Is Nigeria government fooling the world or fooling herself?

The blood sucking demon imposed on Nigeria by David Cameron and Barak Obama

We don’t need the result of the inquiry to be released to know what it contains just as we have heard the verdict of Nnamdi Kanu's trial pronounced by Buhari even before Nnamdi Kanu went on trial. So The committee of inquiry is a Kangaroo committee whose report has been written and given to them before the inauguration.
It is unimaginable that Nigeria will think that the world will be fooled her Kangaroo investigation on her crimes against humanity in Nigeria when the crime being investigated was committed by the same people investigating it. Who committed the crime against Humanity and human rights violations, THE MILITARY and who is investigating the human rights violations…THE MILITARY. Can the military indict itself? Here, the answer is NO. So we are not waiting for the result of the investigation because we already know it. Whatever is the result of the committee’s investigation will never save Buhari, the Inspector General of Police and the army from the ICC.

Written  By  Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa

Flashback: If elected, Buhari will be a disaster— Ex-US envoy

Richard Grenell, a former envoy of the United States of America, has warned Nigerians not to elect former military dictator, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd), of The All Progressives Congress in the March 28 Presidential election. The former spokesman for four United States Ambassadors to the United Nations, noted that Buhari if elected will be a diaster for Nigeria and Africa, stressing that he will signal trouble for the West’s fight against ISIS and terrorism throughout the Middle East. He urges Nigerians to re-elect President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.
He made this known in an article titled, Nigeria on the brink and published on Washington Times, of Thursday, March 19, 2015. Read Full article below: With the polls closed in Israel, international election observers now turn their attention to the Nigerian elections on March 28. The choice for the leader of Africa’s most populous country pits Goodluck Jonathan from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) against Mohammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress (APC).
The decision by the roughly 73 million registered Nigerian voters could have a profound impact on the future of Africa. But Western foreign policy observers pre-occupied with the rise of ISIS in the Middle East should wake up to the reality unfolding in Nigeria. Opposition candidate General Buhari wants Sharia law throughout Nigeria. In fact, he wants it everywhere. “I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement that is sweeping all over Nigeria,” Mr. Buhari said. “God willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the country.”
Agitation? Is this an indication that Mr. Buhari supports violence because the end goal of the terrorist attacks throughout Nigeria and Africa is an Islamic state? It is a legitimate question that should be asked by leaders of the Obama administration. Boko Haram has pledged its allegiance and support to ISIS. The northern Nigerian based Islamic terrorist group wants Sharia law throughout Nigeria and beyond. They are also actively terrorizing Chad, Niger and Cameroon with their goal of an Islamic state. Mr. Buhari has also spoken sympathetically about members of the terrorist group Boko Haram, has cautioned against a rush to judgement on its members and has personally been selected by the terrorist group to lead its negotiations with the Government of Nigeria. Mr. Buhari’s election as Nigeria’s head of state would be a disaster for Africa.
It would also signal trouble for the West’s fight against ISIS and terrorism throughout the Middle East. Islamic radicals have Africa on their target list and young Nigerians are reported to be interested in ISIS’ messages. Nigeria is at a tipping point. Tunisia, where the Arab Spring uprisings began, saw a deadly Islamic terrorist attack at a popular museum killing 23 people this week. ISIS attacked a hospital in Libya within the last few days and Boko Haram killed 54 people with 4 suicide bombers in Nigeria last week. The West, and specifically the Obama Administration, needs to wake up to the growing problem. The French government has been fighting ISIS in Africa for the past two years, starting in Mali but with little help from the Obama Administration. As terrorism grows in yet another region of the globe, American and Western officials should realize they are not stopping the advancements of Islamic radicals.
Al-Qaida is not dead and ISIS is not a JV team. The recent moves by the White House against Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu signal a willingness by President Obama and his team to intervene in foreign elections. The sitting President Goodluck Jonathan has committed to defeating Boko Haram and overseeing a free and fair election. The Nigerian economy has been growing faster than South Africa’s. Imagine what Nigeria could do for Africa if it was also free of Boko Haram’s violence. The Obama Administration should be doing more to ensure Africa’s most populous country doesn’t slip away.

Biafra:Dullard Buhari is a Boko Haram sympathiser, US foreign policy expert tells Obama


Foreign policy expert Richard Grenell has warned the Obama administration to “wake up” to the growing threat of Nigeria turning into an Islamic state, leading to other African nations also capitulating to Muslim extremists.
In an opinion column for The Washington Times, Grenell revealed that a leading candidate in the Nigerian general election later this month is a sympathiser of the Boko Haram terror group and plans to install strict Sharia Law if he’s elected.
General Mohammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress is facing off against incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan on March 28 in the African continent’s most populous country.
Buhari has spoken defensively about Boko Haram, even though the evil group has kidnapped and enslaved hundreds of young girls. And he has been personally been selected by the terrorists to lead its negotiations with the government.
“Western foreign policy observers pre-occupied with the rise of ISIS in the Middle East should wake up to the reality unfolding in Nigeria,” wrote Grenell, a former spokesman for four United States Ambassadors to the United Nations, most recently Ambassador Zal Khalilzad.
“Buhari’s election as head of state would be a disaster for Africa. It would also signal trouble for the West’s fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) and terrorism throughout the Middle East. The decision by the 73 million registered Nigerian voters could have a profound impact on the future of Africa.”
Buhari even appears to be advocating violence while pushing for the moral and religious code of Sharia Law, according to Grenell.
“I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement that is sweeping all over Nigeria,” Buhari said. “God willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the country.”
But Grenell wrote, “Agitation? Is this an indication that Mr. Buhari supports violence because the end goal of the terrorist attacks throughout Nigeria and Africa is an Islamic state? It is a legitimate question that should be asked by leaders of the Obama administration.”
Boko Haram, which has pledged its support to ISIS, is based in northern Nigerian and hopes to rule the country with Sharia Law.
The group, which recently killed 54 people in Nigeria by using four suicide bombers, is also taking terrorist actions in neighboring Chad, Niger and Cameroon to force them to adopt an Islamic state as well.
Grenell warned that Nigeria could become “a tipping point” in Africa in the same way that Tunisia kicked off the Arab Spring in the Middle East.
“The West, and specifically the Obama Administration, needs to wake up to the growing problem,” wrote Grenell. “The Nigerian economy has been growing faster than South Africa’s. Imagine what Nigeria could do for Africa if it was also free of Boko Haram’s violence.
“The Obama administration should be doing more to ensure Africa’s most populous country doesn’t slip away.”
•Text courtesy of Photo shows Buhari.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Former US Congressman, Dornan Calls For 'BIAFRA REFERENDUM'

Washington DC - Biafra is a charter member of the Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS), an international governmental organization that promotes self-determination and the end to colonial era boundaries in Africa. 
The OEAS is pleased to announce that the Hon. Robert K Dornan, US Congressman 1977-1997, former presidential candidate, and veteran of 12 Biafra Mercy Flights in 1969 supports the proposed Referendum on Biafra’s future.
Robert Dornan was US Congressman 1977-1997 & Veteran of Biafra Mercy Flights in 1969.
Mr. Dornan who witnessed firsthand the events of 1969 in Biafra has stated: “I say, the Biafrans have known suffering and death and as a responsible witness to that holocaust and as a Christian man of honor I add my voice to those calling for an internationally recognized referendum on the future of Biafra.”
He further cites in his statement in support of Biafra that the current geopolitical events which have brought ISIS and Boko Haram to the boundaries of Biafra imperils the lives of 40 million Christians and that president Buhari and the international community seem unable and unwilling to protect Biafrans
According to OEAS Chief Administrative Officer Jonathan Levy who worked with Mr. Dornan on his Biafra statement: “Robert K Dornan is a man of honor and integrity who has 
not forgotten the Biafran people or the tragic events of 1969. As a friend of Biafra and witness to history Mr. Dornan’s endorsement at this key juncture may be the torch that helps light the flame of freedom.”
A copy of Mr. Dornan’s complete signed statement on Biafra is attached.

Sunday 20 March 2016


The way it was planned is not the way it is executed, For the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu (ABAT) LLC, these are trying times. These times are sour and very discomforting. The times are painful and full of regrets. The “greatest political strategist of our generation” as his employees and ardent supporters would like to<<<<
refer to him is reeling from debilitating political injuries. There is gnashing of teeth and mopping of lips in the ABAT LLC. Even, for those who are not fans of the mercantilism made for profit political outfit called ABAT LLC, the garish groans oozing out of Bourdillon has been eliciting pores of pity and chasms of empathy.
The Chairman and the CEO of ABAT LLC is no other person than Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu himself. He has been a lonely man in recent days. No place could be lonelier than a wilderness, especially political wilderness for someone who lives and breathes politics. From the look of things, the “greatest political strategist of our generation,” has strategized himself out of relevance and serious contention in the political dynamics of the All Progressive Congress, a political party that was his brainchild to a very great extent.
Through overconfidence, carelessness, naivety, contempt of and for history, disrespect of elders and odious knack for cold-blooded acts of political perfidies, he has strategized himself into trouble waters. The trouble waters do not seem to be ordinary, they are hot trouble waters. And because they are hot trouble waters, they burn and hurt very badly. To his credit, he is bearing his cross very silently and stoically. He is taking the hand that fate has dealt him. He is licking his wounds in secrecy while putting up appearances of a satisfied and satiated political godfather. He is pretending that all is well when all is out of sync. He has become emblematic of the good old saying, “Not all that glitters is gold!”
The present administration led by President Muhammadu Buhari would never have seen the light of the day if not for Asiwaju Tinubu. His contributions in so many ways are public secrets. It is not something one should dwell over again in this piece. One is just giving this a mention because it is very telling when someone of Tinubu’s caliber, a political godfather of no small means, one who has made and unmade many political careers and ambitions, has been reduced to political invalid. And from the feelers that are out there, like the Americans would often say, “he ain’t seen nothing yet!” The extent of humiliation that Asiwaju Tinubu has been subjected to by the Buhari Presidency he empowered could only be fathomed when it is realized that Tinubu could not boast of any candidate in the cabinet of President Buhari.
From Lagos State, Babatunde Fashola, one of the sworn enemies of Tinubu was appointed to his chagrin. He could not stop it despite all his efforts. In Ogun State, Anambra born Yoruba retired General Olusegun Obasanjo – Onyejekwe, nominated the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun. From Oyo State, President Buhari chose the gubernatorial candidate of his political Party, CPC, in the previous election, Alhaji Bayo Shitu as Minister. From Ekiti State, former Governor Kayode Fayemi, the man with a conundrum of fraud allegations around his neck and ankles, who was another beneficiary of Tinubu’s godfatherism went behind him to ingratiate himself with Buhari to get a Ministerial appointment, again to the chagrin of Tinubu.
In Osun State, when Raufu Aregbesola’s second term election was on the ropes, Tinubu went to prostrate to former Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola to get support for his protégé. The promise given to Oyinlola was to give him the Ministerial slot of Osun State. And indeed his name was sent to Aso Rock. This was until another powerful politician from Osun State who had stones to grind with Oyinlola went there behind Tinubu to complain to President Buhari. President Buhari then asked the powerful politician to bring in substitution and the rest is history. Ondo State has never been under the influence of Tinubu and he had no say whatsoever on who was nominated. Mr. Claudius Daramola used his Northern connections from his school days in Sokoto, Zaria and Jos to gain the confidence of President Buhari.
The power base of Tinubu is supposedly the Southwest States. For the untutored and the gullible, Tinubu is still the most powerful politician in this hemisphere. But for those who understand the dynamics of politics, Tinubu is fast becoming what the Yoruba calls “agbunrin esi.” While things might still take a new turn, which indicators are at variance with, it is evident that the once stronghold of Tinubuism is fast dissipating if it has not already dissipated. What is currently subsisting is a star that is gradually dimming as a result of uncouth politicking inebriated with absence of etiquette and basic values that civilized humanity has come to hold dear.
But this is not an unexpected outcome for a for money/profit mercantilist organization like ABAT LLC dubiously appareled in political garb. An organization that is founded on the sole principle of money making through the appropriation of political power for individual ends as opposed to the peoples’ interests and the advancement of the society. The individualism that forms the basic tenet of Tinubuism and the operational philosophy of ABAT LLC is functionally related to the series of treacheries that define its character and form the seeds of its destruction that is presently unraveling.
The apogee of Tinubuism was 2012. In the years leading to that point, Tinubuism was riding the waves. It had displaced and replaced the original Afenifere leadership and branched out to sponsor and control Afenifere Renewal Group. Tinubu had undercut the Alliance of Democracy, betraying those who paved the path to Lagos governorship victory for him and became the godfather of Action Congress. He deceived the former Vice President Abubakar Atiku and dangled the AC presidential ticket in his face only to sell him out at the last minute. He repeated the same perfidy with Nuhu Ribadu who became so frustrated he had to go and join PDP.
Before that time he had faced down the political vampire called Olusegun Mathew Okikiola Obasanjo-Onyejekwe. Tinubu fought Obasanjo-Onyejekwe to a standstill and refused to be bullied. He was the lone survivor of all the AD governors during the reelection of 2003. With his AC and control of Lagos, he had strategically conquered Osun State, followed by Ekiti State. Oyo and Ogun were later to be added to the price. The success was pulsating. He imposed governors and senators across the land. He imposed members of Federal House of Representatives. He disregarded the grassroots and the feelings of the voters who did not seem to have a better alternative to the PDP as he forced a lot of unpleasant candidates down the throats of the Yoruba voters.
He began to feel his own sense of invulnerability. He began to see himself as something other than ordinary. He felt and began to act like a god. His confidence became imbued with ebullience to the point that he publicly insulted all the Yoruba Obas calling them unprintable names. He was walking in the clouds when he liked and walked on water when he preferred. He was riding high beyond his own expectations. He has found himself where he did not expect to be. Tinubuism became the domineering philosophy on the political landscape of Yorubaland with pockets of spineless opposition here and there.
When Ondo State resisted the advance of Tinubuism with the help of Dr. Segun “Iroko” Mimiko, in 2012, Tinubuism in the Southwest started receding like a jaded and fading “Ankara cloth.” From that year, cracks in Tinubuism began to show for those perspicacious enough. At that point in time, the crises between him and Kayode Fayemi had begun to fester to where Tinubu decided to raise a protest candidate against him for re-election. The crisis led to the weakening of the APC that Governor Ayodele Fayose came to exploit to kick the party out of Ekiti State.
Tinubu’s woes became metastasized by Aregbesola’s messing up of Osun State to the best of his ability. He did everything to please his godfather. He even destroyed historical schools allegedly to pave way for the ever-expanding business of his mentor in defiance to the crying and wailing of the people of Osun State. Governor Abiola Ajimobi was glad to be part of the ACN but did his best to maintain his independence. He refused to lick the boots of Tinubu and was not enthused about paying homage at Bourdillon. Governor Ibikunle Amosun also did not seem to enjoy bootlicking. He maintained his dignified distance from Tinubuism while working diplomatically with Tinubuists. Fashola was getting into trouble in Lagos for trying to be his own man. It was the same thing that got Fayemi into trouble in Ekiti.
This was the point at which the need to get rid of the hapless President Goodluck Jonathan became imperative. The “greatest political strategist of our generation” had the legitimate ambition to become Vice President. He could not trust former Vice President Abubakar Atiku as the flag bearer of the APC. The fact that Tinubu had previously betrayed Atiku after Atiku had done him the biggest favor of his career was scary to him.

He was afraid of payback. But Atiku was not and still is not that kind of a man. In spite of all his failings, Atiku has a big heart. Regardless, the sinner would always run when no one is in pursuit. So in Buhari lies Tinubu’s alternative. Buhari too had some hard feelings. The hard feelings had been about alleged act of treachery on the part of Tinubu. But Buhari was willing to be patient to get what he wanted.
Tinubu schemed. Buhari too schemed. As soon as Buhari got elected, he declared “he belong to everybody and belong to nobody.” He courted all those who disliked Tinubu and made them his close friends. He sidelined Tinubu and turned him into a spectator as the administration took off. When Rotimi Amaechi insulted Tinubu at one of their meetings, Buhari did not dissuade him. He allowed him to do so without let or hindrance. Though Nasir El-Rufai brought Amaechi to Lagos to prostrate and apologize to Tinubu in Bourdillon, it was to ensure the Southwest votes and the victory of Buhari.
Buhari, without engaging in a public fight with Tinubu reduced Tinubu to a spectator without any influence in this administration. Not only did Tinubuists lose the Senate Presidency, but they also lost the Speakership of the Federal House of Representatives along with some principal offices. The Tinubuists have no one in the cabinet. The Vice President Yemi Osinbajo nominated by Tinubu has been turned to an ordinary passenger by the Buhari handlers. He is an outside insider in the administration. Osinbajo has been locked out of security meetings and made to understand that he does not belong. Though, this has been denied to save Osinbajo, and by implication, Tinubu his mentor, any embarrassment. But the truth is Osinbajo was actually locked out.
When Tinubu nominated Mr. Femi Falana for the position of Attorney General of the Federation, there was a groundswell of opposition not just from Tinubu’s enemies in the Southwest but also his detractors from across other regions. This was not because Falana had so many enemies or was unqualified, but it was simply because he was nominated by Tinubu. If Falana had pursued that office on his own without the albatross called Tinubu around his neck, he might have succeeded. Everything Tinubu touched became ashes. Everyone he supported became a loser. It became a big problem for ambitious politicians to identify publicly with Tinubu at the national level. Everyone began to be diplomatic in the manner and way they distance themselves from the God of Bourdillon.
Across the Southwest, the only governor still faithful to Tinubu is the man called Aregbesola. Yet he has more than anyone inflamed hatred for Tinubu in Yorubaland because of his incompetence and mismanagement of Osun State. Already, Governor Akin Ambode is complaining in private. Hopefully the bubble would not burst into the open. A mention of Tinubu’s name now is met with hisses. And some curses in most places. Now with the existential crises facing Nigerians across the country, Buhari has become unpopular. For every minute that Nigerians remain in darkness because of lack of electricity they rain curses on Buhari.
For every additional naira they have to pay for petrol they rain curses on Buhari. For every additional naira Nigerians have to pay for a “congo” of gaari, rice, beans or dawa, they rain curses on Buhari. This is more especially so when majority of Nigerian workers have not received salaries for several months. As for the people of Southwest, every time they rain curses on Buhari, they have never forgotten to rain curses on Tinubu and all those who helped him to impose Buhari on Nigeria.
In the crannies of Bourdillon, there is bounteous regrets and moping. There is gnashing of teeth, mopping of lips and zapping of noses. There is finger biting and sweat wiping. There is a nagging disbelief that all this could happen.
There is a lot of pinching to nudge themselves into reality if this is a dream. But all this could have been prevented if they had listened to advice; if they had taken history more seriously and learnt from it. It is evident that the Tinubuists have miscalculated. They have not only miscalculated, they have been inflicted with double jeopardy. The first jeopardy is that they lost out on everything and have no substantive post in this administration. The second jeopardy is that Buhari is not performing and this has made Tinubuists objects of passionate anger, deep disgust and rueful curses from amongst the people.
Some have insisted that no one should grudge all those who benefited from Tinubu only to betray him. They pointed out that the old guard Afenifere who paved the path to Alausa government house for Tinubu was betrayed by him too.
It was noted that other than the betrayal of the old guard Afenifere who have been subjected to serious campaign of malice from Tinubuists, Tinubu also betrayed a lot of others for his own personal benefit. Victims of Tinubu’s political treachery were said to include former Vice President Abubakar Atiku, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, President Goodluck Jonathan (from whom he allegedly got so many sweet business deals), President Obasanjo-Onyejekwe (himself a born-again traitor), and President Buhari himself among several others. All these are being contextualized in the aphorism “He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.” By implication, “He who lives by treachery dies by treachery.”
“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility – I welcome it.”
– John F. Kennedy, in his Inaugural Address January 20, 1961

DSS Threatened To Kill Me Like They Did M.K.O Abiola – Says Nnamdi Kanu

Leader of the Independent Peoples of Biafra and founder of  Radio Biafra, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, has accused officials of the Department of State Services of threatening to kill him like the winner of the annulled June 12, 1993, presidential election, Chief M.K.O Abiola.
The late business mogul died on July 7, 1998, in controversial circumstances while he was detained by the military government.
Kanu’s lawyer, Mr. Ifeanyi Ejiofor, made the claim at a press briefing on Friday evening. .
Ejiofor criticised the security agency and the Federal Government for disregarding several court orders to release the pro-Biafra activist despite meeting his bail conditions.
The lawyer said, “(It is) very instructive to note at this juncture that we were reliably informed by Nnamdi Kanu that during the period of his arrest and unlawful incarceration in the custody of the DSS, he was threatened to be killed by the investigating officers, if he refused to cooperate with them. He was also told that Abiola was murdered in a manner that remained shrouded in secrecy; that he would be killed in similar manner, if he refused to drop his agitation for self-determination.
“He was further informed by the investigating officers that they had the backing and approval of powers that be to send him to his grave. And in response, Nnamdi Kanu assured them that killing him would not stop the agitation of the Indigenous People of Biafra for self-determination; that killing him in the manner being expressed by them would rather attract the wrath of God on the families of those that kill him; that not only them but their generations unborn will be visited by the wrath of God.”
That Kanu, who was arrested by the DSS on the October 14, 2015, in Lagos on his arrival from the United Kingdom, was arraigned by the secret service before the Chief Magistrate Court Wuse Zone 2, Abuja, on October 19, for alleged criminal conspiracy, managing and belonging to an unlawful society, and criminal intimidation contrary to sections 97, 97B and 397 of the Penal Code.
The court, presided over by Justice Shuabi, granted Kanu bail on the same day, while the suspect promptly satisfied the bail conditions but the DSS refused to release him, his lawyer said.
Kanu was charged with treasonable felony under Section 41 of the Criminal Code for allegedly belonging to and managing an unlawful society (IPOB).
His lawyer however denied the allegation, stating that, “It is of note that Nnamdi Kanu was never caught or arrested with any firearm, weapon or ammunition of any form. Radio Biafra as well as the Indigenous People of Biafra is respectively registered under the regulatory laws of the United Kingdom and United Nations. Certificates to the effect of these registrations are herein attached.
“The two dane guns listed among their exhibits and purportedly recovered in the course of their purported investigation at the residence of Benjamin Madubugwu are dane guns used for animal hunting, which are fully licensed. In the real sense of it, can these dane guns be used in levying war against the state in the manner specified under Section 41 of the Criminal Code Act?”

End Of A Dark Era: Regime Atrocities Facing COAS Turkur Buratai & Retiring IGP Solomon Arase

End Of A Dark Era: Regime Atrocities Facing COAS Turkur Buratai & Retiring IGP Solomon Arase
The attention of all Nigerians and members of the international community are drawn to the fact that clock is speedily ticking for the duo of the outgoing Inspector General of Police, IGP Solomon E. Arase and the Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Turkur Buratai to account locally and internationally for “regime- atrocities” they committed while in service as Nigeria’s Police IGP and Army COAS (chief of army staff). The Nigerian Army and the Nigeria Police Force under their commands in the country’s current democratic dispensation of President Muhammadu Buhari have recorded and still record worst human rights abuses (State killings and terror) in the country’s democratic history, to the extent that in the past ten months, over 1000 State murders are credited to their names and killer-securitization responsibilities. These they perpetrated through policy statements and issuances and conducts. Their gross incompetence and incapacities have also led to killing by malicious non State actors of over 3000 citizens in the past 10 months. As the country’s chief and auxiliary internal security providers, they incompetently failed to secure the lives of these murdered Nigerians.
In the course of their disastrous eras as Nigeria’s Army and Police chiefs, they conducted and still conduct themselves as outlaws and incorrigible; forgetting that “power is transient” and nothing last forever as well as the fact that “there is always tomorrow to fall on and yesterday to fall back on”. Even when reminded plainly and constructively of their involvements in the dastardly killing of innocent citizens in peacetime and future dire consequences of their atrocious conducts; the duo would not only boast and justify their atrocious acts but also threaten to kill more innocent citizens like IPOB and Shiite members so as to “dissuade others from trying the might of soldiers and personnel of the Nigeria Police Force”. Stark instances are the killing of 705 Shiite members in Zaria on 12th and 13th of December 2015 for “blocking the convoy of the COAS”; killing of 13 IPOB members in Onitsha on 17th of December 2015 for “jubilating over court-ordered release of Citizen Nnamdi Kanu”; and killing of another 22 IPOB members in Aba on 9th of February 2016 “for gathering in a school compound to pray for the release of Citizen Nnamdi Kanu”. There are also other senseless killings by soldiers in Rivers State and war-like bombings and massacre of villagers in parts of the Niger Delta for the purpose of “oil colonization” and under the guise of “fighting sea pirates, etc”.
Today, time has come for the duo of COAS and IGP to account. End of “uniform or khaki immunity and impunity” is almost here, if not certainly here and now. Accountability litigation actions against the duo under reference are mounting locally, regionally and internationally in numerous jurisdictionally competent courts; both for personal and vicarious culpabilities. The consequences of this are that once “boss-client and uniform/khaki immunities” being used by the referenced to commit their regime-atrocities are gone, local and international accountabilities follow. Mr. Solomon E. Arase (AP16474), according to the “Staff List for Senior Police Officers: CSP-IGP of 24th of January 2014” was enlisted into the Nigeria Police Force on 1st of December 1981. He hails from Oredo in Edo State and was born on 21st of June 1956. He was promoted AIG on 22nd of February 2012 and became IGP on 15th of April 2015. He will retire officially or statutorily on 21st of June 2016 after attaining 60years of retirement age, according to Nigeria’s Public Service Rule (2008). He has paper degrees in political science and law.
For Lt Gen Turkur Buratai (COAS), he was born on 24th of November 1960 at Buratai
town in Biu Local Government Area of Borno State. He was enlisted into the Nigerian Army via the Nigerian Defense Academy on 3rd of January 1981 as a member of 29 Regular Combatant Course 29 (29 RC) where he obtained a National Certificate in Education (NCE). He became a Second Lieutenant on 17th of December 1983 after. By Nigeria’s Public Service Rule (2008:28-29), the compulsory retirement age for all grades in the service shall be 60 years or 35 years of pensionable service whichever is earlier. The Rule further states that no officer shall be allowed to remain in service after attaining the retirement age of 60 years of punishable service whichever is earlier and that provision of (i) and (ii) of the rule is without prejudice to prevailing requirements for judicial officers and academic staffs of universities who retire at 70 and 65 years respectively.
Going by this rule, Lt Gen Turkur Buratai ought to have retired on 3rd of January 2016 on completion of 35 years of service. Generally, the minimum age for enlisting into the Nigerian Armed Forces is put at 18 years old for voluntary service and at 60 years or after putting in 35 years of service according to the Federal Civil Service Rule. In other countries, such as the United States, military officers are expected to put a minimum of 20 years of service and a maximum of 30 years, according to the department of defense directive. An officer can be enlisted in the force at the age of 17. In Britain, officers are enlisted into the force at the age of 16 and are expected to put in at least 18 years of service. In Africa, Ghana enlists officers at the age of 18 and retires officers at 50 years while in South Africa, officers stay in active service until they are 60 years and could be enlisted at the age of 18 (Source: Vanguard, December 28, 2012).
However, there is the Harmonized Terms and Condition of Services Officers (HTACOS), 2012 (Revised). HTACOS was intended to make retirement age in the military (army, navy and air force) different from other personnel or public servants of the Federal Government. The HTACOS was also meant to scrap the years of service of 35 years of service and fully embraced the age on rank bracket. This means that as long as officers and men of the Nigerian military pass the necessary promotion board examinations, they would not be retired just because they have served 35 years. But that will now depend on their Run- Out -Date (ROD). But the HTACOS was further designed to start with the 36th Course (C36) and their equivalents and above. The 36th Course members were the first set to start full degree programs at the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA). Before then, Courses 1 to 35 (including Lt Gen Buratai’s Course 29) studied and graduated with the National Certificate in Education (NCE) from the NDA. This means that while Course 36 and above will benefit from all the provisions of the HTACOS, their seniors, Courses 1 to 35, will not have the full benefits. Course 17 is the oldest still in service (source: Guardian, October 8, 2012).
From the foregoing analysis, Lt Gen Turkur Buratai having been excluded from HTACOS of 2012 on account of his belonging to Course 29 of NDA; ought to have been retired statutorily since 3rd of January 2016 after attaining the mandatory 35 years of service in the Nigerian Army having been enlisted into the Nigerian Army as a cadet officer on 3rd of January 1981. We are fully aware that the Buhari administration’s affront to rule of law and due process has risen to an apogee and may most likely continue in the case of the COAS; by retaining him against the laws of the land as he has always done. But we want to put it on record and consciousness of all Nigerians and members of the international community and Lt Gen Turkur Buratai himself that the end of his dark era is speedily nearing when he will inescapably answer for his “regime atrocities” (killing of 705 Shiite and over 80 IPOB activists, among others, in conjunction with retiring IGP Solomon Arase). That is to say that someday soonest, he will hang his khaki and join the civil populace.
It is true that the Federation of Nigeria is still paying billions of naira compensations from international court verdicts for Obasanjo’s atrocities in Odi and Zakibiam in early 2000s, but himself and those he ordered to commit such crimes against humanity somehow walk freely till date because some international mechanisms now in place such as ICC and UN special crimes courts were yet to be in force them. The ICC Statute, for instance, came into force 1st July 2002; two years after the Odi and Zakibiam massacres and it does not have retroactive criminal jurisdictions. The worst retirement life is that under which the retiree cocoons himself or herself and sneaks in and out of countries and places where he or she visits because of monumental “regime atrocities” committed while in office. Regional and international fugitiveness or criminal indictment or pursuit to account for atrocity crimes is worse than criminal conviction and sentencing. The fate of the likes of Omar Hassan El-Bashir of Sudan and his atrocious “Janjaweed” commander (Sheik Musa Hilal) in Darfur and his Minister in charge of Humanitarian Affairs & Darfur (Ahmad Muhammad Harun) is a clear case in point.
For: International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law
Emeka Umeagbalasi, Board Chairman
Mobile Line: +2348174090052
Obianuju Joy Igboeli, Esq.
Head, Civil Liberties & Rule of Law Program
Mobile Line: +2348034186332
Chinwe Umeche, Esq., Head, Democracy & Good Governance Program

Ban Ki-moon arrives to Negotiate independence referendum for Western Sahara

United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon (L) arrives for a meeting with the Polisario Front’s representative at the UN, on March 5, 2016, near a UN base in Bir-Lahlou, in the disputed territory of Western Sahara ©Farouk Batiche (AFP/File)
Morocco on Tuesday accused United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon of speaking out of turn during a visit to restart talks between Rabat and the Algeria-backed Polisario Front on disputed Western Sahara.

The Moroccan government noted “with great surprise the verbal outpourings… and unjustified gestures of deference” by Ban during his visit, according to a statement released by the official MAP news agency.
It was unclear exactly to what comments Rabat was referring.
During a weekend stop in the Algerian capital Ban criticised Morocco and the Polisario Front for failing to make “real progress” towards an “acceptable” solution to end the 40-year conflict in the disputed desert territory.
Ban added that the UN mission to the region was “prepared to hold a referendum if there is agreement between the parties”, an initiative supported by Algeria, the Polisario Front’s main backer.
“Far from achieving the stated goal of his visit to relaunch political dialogue, the secretary general’s comments could jeopardise the process,” the statement by the Moroccan government added.
The UN has been trying to oversee an independence referendum for Western Sahara since 1992 after a ceasefire was reached to end a war that broke out when Morocco sent its forces to the former Spanish territory in 1975.
Morocco has ruled out the idea of ​​independence and argues for a broad autonomy for the territory under its sovereignty.
The UN envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, resumed diplomatic efforts in February 2015.

Nigeria: Full-blown Sharia law imminent, CAN raises alarm

Says Islamist elements in govt to execute Islamisation agenda
DISTURBED by the recent announcement of President Mu­hammadu Buhari that Nigeria had joined a coalition of Islamic countries combating terrorism, an organ of the Christian Asso­ciation of Nigeria (CAN), Na­tional Christian Elders Forum, has revealed that it has on good authority, plans by the Federal Government to impose Sharia Law on every state of the federa­tion.
The Christian Forum further revealed that there were some Islamist elements already in the country with the sole aim of Is­lamising the country.
Chairman of the forum, Mr. Solomon Asemota, SAN, sup­ported by Christian leaders like the Bishop of Kafanchan Dio­cese of Catholic Church, Joseph Bagobiri, among others, the elders told journalists at a press conference that the Islamic ele­ments in the country were al­ready working towards achiev­ing the goal of making Nigeria a Sharia state.
“We are aware that there are Islamists in government prepar­ing to execute the Islamisation agenda. Any nation in which Islamists believe that they are sufficiently strong to exercise influence rarely experience peaceful cohabitation among the divergent groups within it.
“This is the current situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Ara­bia, and the Sudan. Islamism thrives on injustice, inequality and unfairness. We urge Nige­rians to remain circumspect so that the Islamists do not drag the nation down the path of destruc­tion
“In the build up to the 2015 elections, majority of Nigerians expressed great hope that there would be change in the nation. However, ten months after the new government was sworn into office, credible apprehen­sion can be expressed given the policy direction of the new ad­ministration. We hope that the buildup to these policies do not result in full blown Sharia which President Muhammadu Buhari had promised Muslims in Nige­ria,” Asemota noted on behalf of other elders.
Speaking further on President Buhari’s recent actions which suggest that the motion was al­ready in place to entrench Sharia law, the elders said: “The inclu­sion of Nigeria in the Saudi Ara­bia Military Coalition of “Mus­lim/Arab” nations would appear that the Foreign Policy thrust of the this administration is to make Nigeria a satellite state of Saudi Arabia. The strengthening of the nation’s democracy and security for all should remain the greatest priority of government.
“This we see to have been negated by the President’s fiat/ unilateral decision to enlist Ni­geria in the 34 nations Muslim/ Arab coalition. Given the emo­tive and sensitive nature of this unilateral Executive decision, it should have been handled by Mr. President in line with our democratic culture through popular discussion and partici­pation by the citizenry, or at the very least, through the National Assembly.”

No sensible president continuously travels round the globe while his country is in a mess - Trump to Buhari

No sensible president continuously travels round the globe while his country is in terrible hardship and economic mess - Trump to Buhari
Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in the upcoming presidential election in the United has allegedly hit out at General Muhammadu Buhari's incompetent government. According to report by an online news media, RitaFamous, Trumped lashed at at Buhari's incessant foreign trips, describing it as insensible.

No sensible president continuously travels round the globe while his country is in terrible hardship and economic mess.
It can only happen in Nigeria where all that matters to the President is the full introduction of Islam, annihilation of his political opponents and absolute extermination of the people of the old Eastern Nigeria.

Buhari, prior to his questionable victory at the polls as the President of Nigeria made lots of promises which he has obviously failed to keep and in most cases denied.

As a matter of fact, change could either be ‘positive’ OR ‘negative’.

To the earlier misconception of Nigerians and current state of the economy as a result of initiation of impracticable economic policies, it wouldn’t be wrong to assert that what president Muhammadu Buhari and his All Progressives Congress promised Nigerians was a NEGATIVE CHANGE.

If Nigeria is a country made up of Democratic Nations just like the immediate former president Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan rightly proved, sound and unbiased mind can now fully see the deterioration and damage the Muhammadu Buhari’s led administration has caused the Nation’s democracy.


Wednesday 16 March 2016


Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari, the man who overthrew a democratically elected government in Nigeria on December 31, 1983 thereby committing treason, has never hidden his orgy for the extermination of Biafrans. Buhari was among the army officers who led the British-backed Nigerian Military to massacre over two million Biafrans at Owerri in 1968. Since his forced entry into the Presidency of Nigeria in May 2015, Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari has supervised the massacre of Biafrans in their thousands. Barely seven weeks into his tenure, Buhari bombed Biafraland with the internationally-banned NAPALM bombs leading to the death of hundreds of defenceless Biafrans. When Buhari is not snuffing lives out of unarmed and peaceful Biafrans, he is incacerating them and denying them access to basic information platforms.
ON, March 15, 2016 Buhari ordered his soldiers from 144 Battalion, Asa Ukwa West local council, Abia state to seize newspapers that have captions or stories related to Biafra. We are wondering how much low and absurd Buhari could get just to show that he relishes killing Biafrans and intimidating those who are lucky not to have been felled by his gun-toting  killer squads. What does Buhari want to achieve by seizing  newspapers that published Biafra stories? Which part of the 1999 Constitution is Buhari enforcing by this dastardly act? Is Buhari aware that what he did today violates every aspect of Chapter IV of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria? Does Buhari know that what he did today is in contravention of the Seventh Schedule of the 1999 Constitution and is a ground for impeachment? When will Buhari’s illiteracy-inspired insanity come to an end?
By confiscating newspapers, Buhari has taken his madness to another level. His despicable conduct today is another  evidence that the International Criminal Court shall consider when looking into the various crimes he has been committing. It is possible that Buhari is willingly working himself into the prison yard in The Hague. Notwithstanding, the international community must caution Buhari and stop him in his tracks. The world must not wait until Buhari commits his second Owerri-like genocide before taking action.
Supporting and bringing into fruition, the restoration of the sovereignty of the nation of Biafra is a stitch-in-time that will prevent Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari from continuing with his orgy for the extermination of the peace-loving citizens of the nation Biafra.
Barrister Emma Nmezu                                 Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya

Spokesperson for IPOB                                  Spokesperson for IPOB

Fayose Reveals Why Buhari Has Refused To Release Nnamdi Kanu [DETAILS]

Fayose Reveals Why Buhari Has Refused To Release Nnamdi Kanu [DETAILS]
Ekiti state governor, Ayo Fayose has described President Muhammadu Buhari’s condemnation of Sunday’s terrorist attack on the Grand Bassam Resort in Cote D’Ivoire as a display of hypocrisy and an evident demonstration of his insensitivity to the plight of Nigerians.
  Fayose wondered why President Buhari chose to keep quiet for two days after Fulani herdsmen murdered over 300 people in Benue, but immediately reacted to the killing of 16 people in Cote D’Ivoire.
In a statement issued by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, the governor said: “If President Buhari could afford to pick his phone and call the Ivorian President, Alassane Ouattara, immediately after the attack, Nigerians must ask the President why he kept mute for days over the Fulani herdsmen massacre of over 300 Agatu people of Benue State, the Mile 12 Lagos killings and wanton destruction of properties among others.”
“From all indications, our President has abandoned governance. The only thing going on in the minds of those running the affairs of this country in Abuja is how to entrench themselves in power by crushing anyone perceived as capable of hindering them.”
“That is the reason they are using the Department of State Services (DSS) to harass and intimidate us here in Ekiti, under flimsy excuses like investigating members of the State House of Assembly for alleged forgery of tax certificates when the Ekiti State Government, which issued the certificates have not complained to the DSS that its tax certificates were forged by the lawmakers.
“That is also the reason the President keeps showing his anger against Nnamdi Kanu and his Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) agitators while the same President has failed to approach the economy and insecurity, especially the Fulani herdsmen menace with the same level of anger.”
“Even when their own Information Minister, Lai Mohammed has told Nigerians that the economy has gone out of the hands of the President, they keep using anti-corruption fight to persecute opposition elements both in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and their own party, All Progressives Congress (APC), forgetting that fighting corruption is not a substitute for putting food on the table of Nigerians.”
“The President must therefore be made to realise that Nigerians are suffering, with price of foodstuffs skyrocketing. The economy is in comatose, Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen are killing people. President Buhari must learn to begin to cry over Nigeria’s problems first before going to other countries to cry over their problems for them.”

Biafra: Pictures of Coca-Cola cans 'supporting' Biafra and Nnamdi Kanu flood social media

Coca-Cola Biafra
A pro-Biafran supporter displays customised Coca-Cola cansRadio Biafra/ Facebook
People supporting an ongoing pro-Biafran separatist movement in south-eastern Nigeria have claimed soft drink company Coca-Cola is supporting their cause after pictures purportedly showing some Coca-Cola cans with the words "Nnamdi Kanu" and "Biafrans" emerged.
Pro-Biafrans are calling for the independence of the Biafran territories forcibly annexed to Nigeria during British colonisation, which ended in 1960. They hold regular marches across the country's south-east demanding independence and the release of their leader Nnamdi Kanu, Radio Biafra director and head of the Indigenous People of Biafra (Ipob). He is standing trial on six counts of treasonable felony charges.
Some Biafran media outlets claimed that several shops across Nigeria are now selling "specially customised" Coca-Cola drinks. "Many noted this as unprecedented as some also declared their interest of getting at least a few. Biafrans are exploring every available avenue to promulgate the gospel of the restoration of Biafra," said the Biafran Times. Coca Cola has not responded to a request for comment.
Kanu's arrest in Lagos in October 2015, shed light on the independent movement and alleged abuses by the Nigerian government against pro-Biafran supporters. Kanu was arrested on conspiracy and terrorism charges, which were later dropped. A day after the Abuja High Court ruled he should be released, officials pressed new treasonable felony charges against him, while President Muhammadu Buhari said Kanu would not be granted bail due to the "atrocities" allegedly committed.
Amnesty International confirmed to IBTimes UK that Nigerian security forces have used excessive force against pro-Biafran protesters. However, in subsequent interviews with IBTimes UK, the army and police have denied allegations of violence.
The Nigerian government has always maintained that Nigeria's unity was a priority for the country and that although peaceful pro-Biafran protests were welcome, demanding the breakaway of the Biafran territories was against the constitution. A Biafran Republic was established in 1967 and re-annexed to Nigeria in 1970, following a civil war that claimed between one and three million lives.